Microsoft edge app xbox one
Microsoft edge app xbox one

microsoft edge app xbox one

It’s hard to say anything about performance between Internet Explorer and Edge on the Xbox as every comprehensible browser benchmark test will crash both versions before gathering any usable results. Windows NT 6.3 in the above User-Agent refers to the same Windows kernel as used with Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 RC 2. The Xbox also reveals its 64-bit architecture and adopts the usual User-Agent “compatibility lies” including masquerading as Google Chrome and Apple Safari which is the same behavior we can observe in its Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile counterparts.įor comparison, here’s the old User-Agent for Internet Explorer 11 on Xbox One version 2.0 with Xbox OS: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible MSIE 11.0 Windows NT 6.3 Trident/7.0 Xbox Xbox One) Note that the Windows build number (10553) is included with the Edge component version number in the User Agent. Here is the User-Agent of Xbox One version 3 with Windows 10: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0 Win64 圆4 Xbox Xbox One) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10553 The browser engine has, however, received significant upgrades under the hood and now uses the new EdgeHTML layout engine (despite pretending to be WebKit) and Chakra JavaScript engine. There are no visual changes other than the rebranding at this time, but that may change closer to release. The browser looks and behaves exactly like Internet Explorer for Xbox did. I’ve had a chance to look at the new browser. The latest Xbox One update brings Windows 10 to Xbox and drags the Microsoft Edge 13 web browser with it as the replacement for Internet Explorer.

Microsoft edge app xbox one